Thursday, April 21, 2011


Bridal Bootcamp
Bikini Bootcamp
Survivor Bootcamp

Bootcamps are a huge trend right now - usually targeted at women
They are usually out of the gym, sometimes outside, are high intensity, and a great thing to do with your girlfriends and to switch up your workout

The combine :
circuit training
Somtimes hand to hand combat
and Yoga

Some companys include nutritional support and a full fitness assesment as well

Make sure you do your research, check out the companies credentials...
what training do they have - personal training, kinesiology... are they "nutritionists" or dieticans (which actually requires school)
Also check reviews from people who have done a bootcamp with the group or company.

Sign up with a friend and get ready for summer!!

Here are a couple links for calgary/canada
Click Here Here and Here

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